First Day of School is Thursday, September 5th


  • Discipline Code

    The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning. It describes supports, interventions, and disciplinary measures that schools can use when students misbehave.

    • Chancellor’s Regulations

      The New York City Department of Education’s Chancellor’s Regulations are divided into four sections: Volume A covers student-related issues, Volume B covers schools-based budgeting, Volume C addresses employee issues and Volume D addresses parent and community involvement.

    • Data Privacy and Security Policies

      The DOE has several regulations and policies concerning data privacy and security.

    • Internet Acceptable Use Policy

      The Internet Acceptable Use Policy, or IAUSP, governs all electronic activity of users using and accessing the NYCDOE’s internet systems.

    • Non-Discrimination Policy

      Read the Non-Discrimination Policy of the New York City Department of Education.

    • Language Access Policy

      This plan ensures the provision of appropriate translation and interpretation services for limited English proficient parents in accordance with Chancellor’s Regulation A-663.

    • Promotion Policy

      Learn about how students move to the next grade.

    • Diversity and Inclusion Policy

      The Diversity and Inclusion Policy demonstrates the DOE’s commitment to continue advancing diversity and inclusion throughout the agency.