
Our Curriculum

Our literacy work is guided through HMH with a focus on encouraging our students to become skilled readers and writers. In addition, our K-2 students engage in Heggerty, for phonemic awareness and Fundations word study.

We use the Pearson enVision math curriculum, aligned with Next Generation Standards.

NYC Passport to Social Studies provides resources and support for students to act as global citizens and critical thinkers.

Amplify, our hands-on, inquiry-based Science approach provides a solid foundation of fundamental science concepts. Our curriculum resources have been expanded to include digital components.

We believe that students should have the opportunity to explore concepts across all disciplines through project-based work.

Our community partnerships allow our students to participate in the arts. We currently partner with Korea Taekwondo, Alastair Musical Theater, Together in Dance, and Cultural after School Adventures (CASA).

CEP (School) Goals

ELA – Elementary ELA for all students will increase 13%, from 57% to 70%, an increase of 13%, from 37% to 50% for Hispanic students, and an increase of 3% for Students with Disabilities (SWDs) will increase from 10%, from 30% to 40%, performing at or above grade level, as measured by Acadience Reading Diagnostic.

Mathematics – Elementary Math for all students will increase 3%, from 74% to 77%, an increase of 5%, from 45% to 50% for Hispanic students, and an increase of 3% for Students with Disabilities (SWDs) will increase from 5%, from 38% to 43%, performing at or above grade level, as measured by I-Ready Math Diagnostic Results.

Supportive Environment Framework– Practices related to Guidance will improve 3%, from 84% to 87%, as measured by positive NYC School Survey Guidance responses, resulting in improved Safety & Restorative Approaches to Behavior.

Quality Individualized Education Program– Strengthen the quality and implementation of IEPs for All Students with Disabilities (SWD), we will improve the creation of quality IEPS that include annual goals that indicate benchmarked progress monitoring by Increase of 3%, from 87% to 90%, as measured by IEP reviews.

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Programs and Clubs

Outdoor Playground
with Weather Coverage

Student Leadership Team

Visual Arts Residency

Musical Theatre Program

Together in Dance

Student Clubs:
Cooking Club, Gardening Club, Chess Club, Robotics Club, Minecraft Club, Engineering Club, C­oding Club and more..

Best Prep In-House

ENL Title 3 After-school Program

TKD Afterschool

3rd Grade Test Prep Afterschool

CASA After-school Program

Academic Intervention Services